Saturday, December 01, 2007

Movie Reviews for Catholic Families

Far and away my favorite source for film reviews is Steven Greydanus' website at You owe it to yourself to go over there. He does the most intelligent, literate, perceptive, and morally informed Catholic movie reviews I've ever seen. He's a regular reviewer for National Catholic Register. Unfortunately, there are many films that he does not review. Other useful sites for movie reviews are: Intelligent, perceptive, reviews with a sense of humor, and enough specific information for you to make your own decisions. Well organized and helpful. Fairly specific information about possibly objectionable content. Helpful reviews and ratings.

For my personal list of the best movies of all time, go to

For teens, I would especially recommend A Man for All Seasons, To Kill a Mockingbird, On the Waterfront, West Side Story, Remember the Titans, Singin' in the Rain, Chariots of Fire, Breaking Away, or Amazing Grace.

For kids, any of the Veggie Tales, and the The Miracle Maker.

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